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The Cartilage Biology Lab


Ma'alot Presentation 2025
Congrats Michal on an excellent presentation about her Ma'alot project related to CB2 agonists for OA treatment. Proud of your work!...

Passing the torch!
Congrats to Prof. Nataly Kravchenko-Balasha for becoming the new Chair of BioMedical Graduate Program at the Faculty of Dental Medicine....

Congrats Miya Marco on her Masters
Big day today as Miya Marco from our lab just graduated her MSc we are extremely proud of her accomplishments during her M.Sc research...

Congrats Dr. Idan Carmon
Years of hard work and dedication have lead to several seminal reports by Idan Carmon who just graduated with excellence  from his PhD...

Osteoarthritis Research Society International (OARSI) World Congress 2024
Incredible members of the lab, Miya Marco, Eli Farhat and Shani Unger Gelman displayed some spectacular work and I am so proud of you!!!!

Osteoarthritis Research Society International (OARSI) World Congress 2024 Concurrent Session
Prof. Mona Dvir-Ginzberg presenting Yonathan's results

Osteoarthritis Research Society International (OARSI) World Congress 2024 Abstract Chair
Prof. Mona Dvir Ginzberg, congratulations on your contribution as the OARSI 2024 Abstract Chair!

Ma'alot Presentations 2024
Congrats Ridan and Lilian for wonderful presentations representing the lab in Ma'alot. we are all proud of your work and research...

Visiting PhD student at Univ of Bonn and Univ. of Ulm- Eli Farhat
Good job on your incredible work at Germany!

Libra prize for excellent MSc students 2024- Congrats Oriya!
Mazal Tov Oriya for being awarded Libra prize for excellent MSc students

Cutting Edge Osteoarthitis, St Hilda's college, Oxford 2023- Shani
Shani Unger-Gelamn's oral presentation "Examing the Physiological Impact of Sirt1 Cleavage in Cartilage Biology and Skeletal Homeostasis"

Runner-up short talk oral presentation award- Congrats Shani!
Congratulations to Shani Unger-Gelamn for being awarded the Runner-up short talk oral presentation award in Cutting the Edge...

Cutting Edge Osteoarthitis, St Hilda's college, Oxford 2023- Shani
Shani Unger-Gelamn's poster "Assessing the Role of SIRT1 Cleavage in OA Pathogenesis"

Faculty Day 2023 "Bina" prize- Congrats Miya!
Congratulations to Miya Marco for being awarded the Faculty Prize for "BINA" excellence students!

The European Calcified Tissue Society (ECTS) 2023- Yonathan
Yonathan Ma'atuf's poster "Assessing the Role of SIRT1 Cleavage in OA Pathogenesis"

ICRS- International Cannabis Research Society 2022 conference- Idan
Idan Carmon's oral presentation "The cannabinoid receptor 2 agonist, hu308, mitigates osteoarthritis via creb-mediated sox9 activation"

Faculty Day 2022 Maalot poster - Shani
Shani presenting her work in the Faculty Day.

Faculty Day 2022 MSc prize- Congrats Lital!
Congratulations to Lital Zecharyahu for being awarded the Faculty Prize for excellence in Research!

Faculty Day 2022 PhD prize- Congrats Idan!
Congratulations to Idan Carmon for being awarded the Faculty Prize for excellence in Research!

Faculty Day 2022 MSc poster- Lital
Lital presenting her work in the Faculty Day.

Faculty Day 2022 Ma'alot poster- Anna
Anna presenting her work in the Faculty Day.

Annual conference of the Israeli oral and maxillofacial surgery 2021- Idan
Idan Carmon's oral presentation "Treating Maxillofacial Trauma with transplantable Chondrocyte-seeded Scaffolds"

SUMO restler pic to be displayed in the New Ein Kerem light train tunnel
Mouse Embryo Skull section staining via in-situ hybridization for COL2. Taken By Jinan Elayyan during her visit at Cleveland (Prof. V....

Shira won 3M Research Prize- congrats!
Inducing chondrocyte ossification in 3D collagen scaffolds for bone generation.

Lab participates in the first ISSBM meeting in Tel Aviv
Jinan explaining her findings to our guest speaker Prof. Roberto Pacifici

Our work presented at the GRC April 2017
Jinan and Omar's project presented as posters at the GRC for cartilage biology and Pathology 2017, Italy

European Calcified Tissue Society (ECTS) May 2017, Austria
First time presenting our work at the ECTS!

Faculty Day 2018- Congrats Jinan!
Congratulations to Jinan Elayyan for being awarded the Faculty Prize for excellence in Research!

Congrats to Dr. Mili for completing her DMD thesis and passing the board test!
We miss you already
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